Get 5% donation to your charity account on today’s purchase from AmazonSmile

Limited time through November 2, 2018, get 5% donation to your charity account when purchasing on AmazonSmile. More details>

get 5% donation to your charity account when purchasing on AmazonSmile
get 5% donation to your charity account when purchasing on AmazonSmile

Today Amazon is celebrating the ranked customer satisfaction in ACSI (The American Customer Satisfaction Index) survey for Amazon number 1 . The Amazon Foundation will donate 5% of the customers spending from all their eligible AmazonSmile purchases made today. When spend at, 5% charitable donations will quickly add up to customers each individual Amazon charity account, then sent to charities quarterly. Customers can choose one of the spotlight charities at AmazomSmile. To support today’s charity, click to shop at on March 16, 2017 right now >>>

Get 5% donation to your charity account on today
Get 5% donation to your charity account on today’s purchase from AmazonSmile

Get 5% donation to your charity account on today